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New Treatments of Bone Cancer

All about primary bone cancer, which is cancer that starts in bone. The most common type is osteosarcoma.  Information about symptoms and causes, tests to diagnose primary cancer of the bone, treatment including surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and current research. Living with bone cancer covers coping with your diagnosis and managing after surgery.

Although it is rare for cancer to begin forming inside the bone. It is more likely for cancer to spread to the bone from another part of the body. Since cancer is usually named for the organ where it originated, cancer that spreads to bones it not known as bone cancer.

The different kinds of bone cancer occur in different kinds of bone tissue. The most common kind is osteosarcoma. This kind of cancer begins to form in the ends of bones. As the body grows, the ends of the bones are the places where bone tissue starts to form. People aged 10 to 25 are more likely to contract osteosarcoma. Men are more likely than women.

Bone Cancer Symptoms

Bone Cancer Symptoms are many linked to the location of the bone, which has been affected by cancer in the body. Common symptom associated with bone cancer is tenderness, swelling or pain in the affected area. Lump formation might also accompany bone cancer in a patient. Although the detection of lump associated to the cancer is difficult in the early stages, it can be felt when the disease occurs in or around the joints. Still, you cannot consider any of these symptoms as prominent signs of bone cancer.

Bone Cancer Treatment

Treatment for cancer of bone, mainly metastatic cancer, has 2 goals:

-Managing neoplasm

-Managing symptoms produced by local lesion

Prognosis is mainly affected by patient's age, primary tumor size, lymphatic & blood vessel invasion degree, symptoms duration and tumor location on arm, trunk or leg.

There are 2 methods for treating bone metastasis. Systemic Therapy is aimed for treating cancer cells spread throughout your body. It includes hormone therapy, immunotherapy and chemotherapy. Local therapy is aimed towards killing cancerous cells of a specific portion on the body. It includes surgery and radiation therapy.


It is often extensive and involves the removal of a wide margin of tissue surrounding the tumor. Sarcomas, which involve muscles, also require removing the entire affected group of muscles.

Radiation Therapy:

It is mainly used for preventing local recurrence of radiosensitive tumor and given either before or following the surgery.


Several drugs have proven effective for treating bone & soft tissue sarcoma. However, required dosages for providing a great chance to cure might lead to significant side-effects. Effective agents include cyclophosphamide, etoposide, vincristine, ifosfamide, doxorubicin (Adriamycin), dactinomycin (Actinomycin D), dacarbazine and investigational agent. In some cases, even combinations of all these drugs are used.

Hormone Therapy:

It's either removal of organs producing hormones promoting growth of specific cancer types (testosterone and estrogen) or drug therapy for keeping hormones from promoting growth of cancer.

Even after completely removing bone or soft tissue sarcoma, significant risk is there that small tumors, left undetected, may spread to other regions in the body. Adjuvant Chemotherapy attempts for eliminating such tumor deposits.

Even, there are safer and effective methods for treating pain. Medications will allow people for being free of pain and continue the activities essential to them.

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