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Love Horoscopes -Romance, And Passionate Desires For Your Star Sign

Love Astrology describes the love astrology profile of a person under the different zodiac sun signs. This helps you know the nature of your partner when it comes to love and romance and helps you understand your relationship better. Knowing how the different signs respond to the feeling of love can help you in your relationship. This will also help you understand the reasons for some of your partner's actions which may feel are uncalled for.

Date of birth entered by you is March 30, 2016 based on which your Love Astrology Reading is as below
Your Love Profile

When your partner is an Arian, it is like making love to a Tiger! Frank and candid in matters of the heart, an Aries partner is never short of suka! They do not need the traditional hearts and flowers to keep their romance going. Romance for them strongly tends to be on the physical side, and an Arian can be extremely energetic in bed. However, as with the rest of the people they know, Arians need to exert that dominance over their partners.

The person they love has to agree with their point of view, be it fair or foul! Funnily however, a partner who can sometimes have a fiery argument with an Arian and can then make up with him/her quickly is most appreciated. Given all this, the Arian's partner must match them in both mental as well physical prowesses. Above all, as part of their innate nature, a true Arian is inevitably drawn towards a person full of energy and willing to experiment. Those who can sustain life with an Arian will always be suitably rewarded with a bold, yet caring and compassionate romantic partner. So go find out an Arian and get ready for the ride of a lifetime!

Positive Traits

You may be pioneers in your fields and developers of new technologies and ideas. You are self reliant and independent. You are courageous and fear none. You have a quick and analytical mind. You are very energetic and full of zeal. You like competitiveness and challenges. Your ideas are original and innovative. You may be a bit too assertive by nature, in fact to the extent of being aggressive. You are leaders and have this strong drive to forge ahead. Enthusiasm in what you do is a must. You are open minded and flexible to new ingenious ideas. You have a dynamic nature that attracts people. You are always eager to start new ventures. You are frank about your views and do not believe in talking behind people's backs.

Negative Traits

You may be arrogant and domineering. You have a short and violent temper that may cause many fights. You may be self-centered and expect people to acknowledge it. You are intolerant to even the most minor mistakes. You are very impulsive and may take the wrong decisions in the heat of the moment. You are reckless and always looking for action. Your own needs are more important to you than others' needs. You are impatient with people. Your egoistical nature is bound to get you into trouble. You are scared of being rejected. You are headstrong and stubborn. You are easily offended and hold grudges.
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