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Maintain Mental Health

According to WHO, Mental Health is defined as the state in which the individual
feel prosperous.

Good mental health is characterized by:
The ability of individuals to know their potential and maximize the potential of
The ability of the individual to overcome the situation that faces pressing
The ability of individuals to work productively and useful in the workplace,
   families, communities, and among friends

Mental health is as important as physical health. both
should equally be maintained.

In life, we have times when we feel depressed, sad, or scared.
Often the feeling was gone in line with the completion of the problems we face.
But sometimes the feeling that develops into a more serious problem. it
could happen to any of us.

Each individual has a different way to solve any problems
faces. There can bounce back from setbacks while there are
Another may feel burdened by it for a long time.

Mental health that we have not always been the same. May change due to
changes in the environment and we continue to move through the stages of life
different. With these changes, then we should be able
to maintain in order to have good mental health.

Practical ways that can be done to keep our mental health:

1. Accept and respect yourself
Each individual is different and unique, but the same thing is no
perfect individual. Respect ourselves. Recognize and thank weakness
we have, but focus on the things that become our strengths. Be
more realistic about things they want to change in ourselves. If this
can be changed, try to change it slowly.

2. Maintain a good relationship
No need to struggle alone when we face a problem. kinship
and a good friend can help overcome stress in life because it can
provide input and make us feel cared for. keep guard
good relations with the always exchange news over the phone, meet, and tell each other.

3. Active activism
Be active met with many people and members of the new activity
in the environment. Come in the community, arrange meetings with friends,
or follow a course that can help us to feel better. Joining activities
which aims to help others can also make us feel needed
and become increasingly valuable. This makes more confidence
increased. Activities such as this also helps us see the world from view
Different to help see the problem from another point of view.

4. Telling others
Talk about the feeling that is felt not signify that we are weak,
but it is part of our efforts to maintain mental health.
Heard by others makes us feel supported and not alone.
Might initially be difficult, but if it continues to do so will be familiar. because of
it, find someone who you can talk to with ease and tell them exactly
that is in your head.

5. Actively engaged
Discover the sport that we like and start doing. Exercise the body is believed to
can secrete chemical compounds in the brain that make us feel
better. Therefore, regular exercise can make us feel more positive,
helps concentration, sleep, and make us feel and look better.
Moving does not have to exercise, but it can be done through other activities
like a walk in the park, gardening, or doing housework.
Do it for at least 30 minutes, 3-5 times a week.

6. Perform activities controlled
Doing activities that we like and are interested in can help cope with stress.
Preferred activity is an activity that we do best and can help us
more confidence and overcome the emotions we feel. Gardening, cooking,
painting, playing music, exercise is an example of an activity that can help
we express ourselves. Find activities that can help you.

7. Rest
If too many activities it makes us depressed, then seek time
to rest and relax. Listen to our own bodies. If the body is very tired,
give it time to sleep. Besides doing activities such as listening to music,
reading, watching movies, or try a new activity that is fun. you
also can also make arrangements breathing, yoga, or meditation. use
10 minutes for a break in a busy day that will help us overcome
pressure better.

8. Consumption of healthy foods and beverages
Our brain needs nutrients to stay healthy and functioning properly, such as organ
that exist in our bodies. A balanced diet can help health
because it can help our mental way of thinking and the way we feel. Try
to consume 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day and drinking water.
Minimize consumption of caffeinated beverages high in sugar content, and alcohol. Avoid eating,
drinking alcohol, smoking, and using drugs to finish
problems or cope with unpleasant feelings that we experience. Things like that do not
will solve the problem, on the contrary would create new problems.

9. Ask for help
Sometimes we feel tired or overwhelmed when something bad happens. time
problems have started redundant and you feel you can not cope, ask
assistance. Family and friends are nearby neighborhood can listen
your problem. In addition you can also pray or worship. If you are experiencing
physical problems, see your doctor. Likewise, if you think you have a psychological problem,
you can consult psychologists, psychiatrists, religious leaders. Do not be embarrassed to
ask for help experts for the sake of good mental health. Everyone needs
assistance from time to time and there is nothing wrong of asking for help. In fact,
asking for help is a sign of personal strength.

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