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Best Life Insurance Providers 2015

Insurance is a term used to refer to the act, systems, or business where financial protection (or financial compensation) for life, property, health and so obtain reimbursement of events that can not be suspected that can occur such as death, loss, damage or pain, which involves regular premium payment within a certain period in exchange for a policy that ensures the protection.
The term "insured" usually refers to everything that gets protection.

Many Individuals or Companies that use insurance to guarantee or cover in case there are things that are not suspected by the 'User Services Insurance' is.
Well, this time Bloggerindo will cite 10 Insurance Company of the Year 2014 released by listtopten. Hopefully this list can help you in choosing the right insurance policy.
Check it out below !!

1 Berkshire Hathaway

Berkshire Hathaway is an American multinational corporation that has a great interest in GEICO (one of the first major investment company) to sell insurance benefits, selling jewelry and life insurance, its headquarters are located in Nebraska, united states
This company is the best insurance companies in the world founded in 1839 and is under the control of the CEO
Berkshire Hathaway offers life insurance, accident and health, as well as reinsurance at international level. Insurance corporation Berkshire Hathaway maintain capital strength at a very large and this power makes this company different from its competitors.

2 China Life Insurance

China Life Insurance Company is a Chinese company that was established in Beijing and provide benefits and life insurance products. Established in 1931, in Shanghai, and is China's largest insurance companies holding approximately 45% percent of the market China.Perusahaan has undergone successive modernization and is currently the best insurance company of China and the second best insurance companies in the world, the company is also known as China Life.

3 Allianz

Allianz is a German multinational company whose headquarters terleatak in munich, Allianz is renowned for financial services, the company It has a strong international reputation and is a market leader in Jerman.Didirikan in 1890 and became the first insurance company in the world to get a license to distribute the company's policy in 1990 It is the 12 largest financial services group and the largest insurance company in the world, in 2010, by Forbes magazine and also the largest financial services companies perndapatan in 2012.
Allianz currently holds a nearly 14 percent stake in Commerzbank. The company has agencies in more than seventy countries and has nearly 180,000 employees, he has more than 76 million customers worldwide and its services include asset management, victims and property insurance, health and life insurance.

4. American International Group

American International Group is a multinational insurance company with more than 63,000 employees around the world, also known as AIG
The company's headquarters are located in New York City, USA. AIG companies offering services in more than 130 countries worldwide and is the largest underwriter of commercial and industrial insurance in the United States. This company provides life insurance, accident insurance, mortgage insurance, pension products and other financial services. . In 2000 Forbes Global 2013 list of the 62 largest public companies in the world and according to the records on April 21, 2013, market capitalization reached $ 57.53 billion.

5. Ping An

Ping An of China Ping An Insurance or is the parent company of China with regard to insurance and financial services. The company was established in 1988 in Shenzhen and China's first insurance company's shareholder structure. Financial services of the company consists of three main business including banking, investment and insurance. The company's mission is to achieve its responsibilities to investors by increasing the value of assets and give back stable point, for customers by offering the best service to employees by providing opportunities for career development and competitive work environment.


AXA insurance and investment company located in Paris. AXA group working in North America, Western Europe, Middle East and Asia Pacific. This company does business in accordance with the regulations of various countries. The company offers health services, life and various other forms of insurance and investment management. Operates five business segments include: Insurance International with reinsurance, asset management, property and accident, life & savings and other financial services. They claim that they have an innovative method that will answer the needs of risk management.

7 MetLife

MetLife or Metropolitan Life Insurance Company is one of the insurance companies terbaik.Metlife is a provider of insurance benefits and employee benefits programs, the company has more than ninety million customers in more than 60 countries.
Established in 1968, with headquarters located in New York, USA. MetLife holds leading market positions in Japan, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Middle East. This company is also an American country's largest life insurance and provide 90 of the 500 companies in the world, is also the second largest provider of

8 AIA Group Limited

AIA Group Limited, known as AIA insurance company headquarters located in Hong Kong and have institutions in the Asia Pacific region including China, Australia, Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam, etc.
AIA including AIG group members but separated in 2009

9. Zurich Insurance Group

Zurich Insurance Group is an insurance company located in Zurich, Switzerland, and the largest insurance company in Switzerland. According to the Forbes Global 2000 list in 2013, it is the 75th largest public companies in the world. Zurich is an insurance company that is widely recognized and has three main business segments; Global Life, General Insurance and Farmers. This company has more than 60,000 employees and serves more than 170 countries and regions of the world

10. ING Group

ING Group is a multinational organization of financial and banking services are located in Amsterdam and is also known as the "Internationale Nederlanden Group" which in English is called as the International Netherlands Group. Insurance services included in the core business with commercial banking, asset management, investment banking. ING Group has extensive insurance businesses scattered throughout Europe, Asia and America, the company offers a wide range of insurance policies including auto insurance, health and social insurance, life insurance policies vary from term life insurance policy provides protection for flexible pure and growth potential universal life insurance policy.

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